Why ‘Weight’, Get Started!


Do you want good grades and a great body… oh and to save money? If you do, you have come to the right place. We know that a healthy lifestyle is important in maintaining a healthy mind and body, so we are here to help you get the healthy lifestyle you deserve. We promise it will be as cheap as chips (nice healthy kale chips). You’re young, you live in the Sunshine State and summer is just around the corner, so NOW could not be a better time to find the HealthyU.

So listen up, grab a pen, a notepad and a glass of sparkling water. Cheers to the start of a relationship with the HealthyU! Now let’s get to work!

Here are 4 simple steps to get you started:

Step 1: Get ready to exercise! You won’t need a gym membership because we are going to show you how to get fit the old-fashioned way! Get ready to see great results for a fraction of the price of a gym membership.

Why you should complete step 1:

Exercising regularly is an essential part of being healthy. The Australian Government lists some of the many benefits of regular exercise, including the prevention of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and some cancers, and promoting physical wellbeing in general. For more information visit this link: http://www.healthyactive.gov.au/internet/healthyactive/publishing.nsf/Content/physical-activity

Step 2: Clean out your pantry. Throw away all junk food – yes that includes the chocolate you have been hoarding since Easter. Everyone else in the house will thank you for it… hopefully.

Why you should complete step 2:

What is out of sight is out of mind; if your kitchen is free of unhealthy foods then when you go searching for a snack you won’t even have to resist those little packets of chips calling your name. To sweeten the deal, I’ve even found a study that supports this “out of sight, out of mind” theory. The study found that adult secretaries ate 2.2 more candies each day when a bowl of candy was clearly visible, and 1.8 more candies each day when the candy was placed within easy reach. See the reference list to learn more about this study by Wansick and colleagues.

Step 3: Start a health diary to log your healthy eating and exercise regime. This will ensure that you stay on track.

Why you should complete step 3:

If you’re aiming to lose weight, you will lose more if you write about it. Studies have shown that keeping a health diary helps avoid mindless eating. One study found that those who kept food journals for at least 6 days every week shed twice as many kilos as dieters who logged once a week or not at all. So try it – what have you got to lose? You can read more about this at http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20120713/food-journal-write-it-down-shed-more-pounds

Step 4: Set your goals and tell everyone about them! Take note of your current weight and write down your goals on paper, whether it’s to fit into those beautiful Sass and Bide jeans you can’t bear to throw out that you wore when you were 16 or if it’s to shed those love handles that aren’t getting you any love, just write it down. Then be sure to tell as many people as will listen about your goals.

Optional step: To maximize your support network, tell everyone on Facebook, take a selfie on Instagram and tag as many ‘fitspiration’ pages as possible, and make comments on all of Jenna Marbles or Jamie’s World Youtube videos. (The last step was a joke).

Why you should complete step 4:

A study by psychology Professor Dr. Gail Matthews found that those who wrote down their goals and actively told others about them were 33% more successful in achieving their goals than those who only thought about their goal. Here’s the link to an interesting article about the study: http://www.dominican.edu/dominicannews/study-backs-up-strategies-for-achieving-goals

Remember healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand – you can’t be the HealthyU without doing one or the other. 

Good Luck!

Australian Government. (2009). Being Active. Retrieved from
Boyles, S. (2012). Food Journal. Write It Down, Shed More Pounds. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20120713/food-journal-write-it-down-shed-more-pounds
Dominican University of California. (n.d.). Study Backs up Strategies for Achieving Goals. Retrieved from http://www.dominican.edu/dominicannews/study-backs-up-strategies-for-achieving-goals
Wansink, B., Painter, J.E., & Lee, Y.K. (2006). The office candy dish: proximity’s influence on estimated and actual consumption. International Journal of Obesity, 30(5), 871-5.